Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Occupy London : Zombie Bank Run

Zombie Bank Run vs Government of the Dead from Jon Cheetham on Vimeo.

On Monday, over 100 zombie bankers from OccupyLSX and OccupyLFS took to the streets of Central London for the Zombie Bank Run. The zombies halted a busy traffic intersection dancing to Michael Jackson’s Thriller. They then moved on to shut down a RBS bank branch before heading to the RBS headquarters and forcing the 83% taxpayer owned bank to close its doors.

A zombie bank is a bank which survives on taxpayers’ subsidies but doesn’t use this money for any useful lending to help the economy recover. The government is making huge public sector cuts while the banks pay themslves huge bonuses and have little value for society, so we’re taking to the streets to show our anger at how they’re acting.

On Monday, 100 leading economists called on the government to end the cuts and public sector job losses change direction on its economic policy to avoid a double dip recession.

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