Monday, October 24, 2011

Party decision not to sign BIPPA says General Secretary Badal, action to be taken against Bhattarai

Picture Comrade Badal

Kathmandu, 24 October: General Secretary of UCPN-Maoist Ram Bahadur Thapa ‘Badal’ has said that UCPN-Maoist had decided not to sign on the agreement BIPPA, which was sure to be proposed by Delhi. The then party standing committee had decided not make any agreement on BIPPA if India wanted.

But, PM Bhattarai against the party decision signed on the traitorous treaty BIPPA. GS Badal has expressed this reality in Chitawan gathering of intellectuals. He said that action will be taken over Bhattarai because of breaching the party decision. According to him, BIPPA has been signed against party decision.

Before GS Badal, standing committee member and party whip Dev Gurung had said in the media that the treaty BIPPA was decided not to sign and PM Bhattarai was ordered not to do. According to him, BIPPA is more dangerous and traitorous than the treaty of 1950 signed by the then PM Mohan Samsher Rana.

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