Saturday, October 22, 2011

Occupy London Stock Exchange - Debating the attempt to close St Paul's Cathedral Occupation

Watch live streaming video from democracyandclassstruggle at

An important announcement from OccupyLSX

Our mission continues. We are delighted to announce that our second site of occupation is now open and ready to receive happy campers. 400 people are already creating a radically open democratic space at Finsbury Square EC1 and you are cordially invited to join them. Bring a tent, warm clothes, provisions , a torch and your optimism. We look forward to seeing you there.

We would like to offer our respect and best wishes to our brother and sister occupations all over the world. There is a bright future out there and we are committed to building our own small part of it in London.

Please note that we shall be occupying Finsbury Square in addition to St Paul’s Churchyard.

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