Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Issue is the Army - Integration and the Nepalese Army comments from Comrade Biplab

"They want to divide the PLA into two factions where most people are sent home, and a small number are integrated. We will not accept this plan.

We think the line that Prachanda has taken is right-revisionism. It will liquidate our forces and army. It will end the revolution. We do not accept it.

To integrate the PLA, two things must be solidified:

1.The majority of the PLA has to be integrated.

2.The PLA must lead its units, and the PLA must take leadership positions in the army.

We want free units and collective integration. They are denying these things, and the struggle is over these points".

1 comment:

  1. the new synthesis vs revisionism- this is the real struggle in the 21st century.

    there is no avoiding it- BOB AVAKIAN WAS RIGHT!
