Sunday, September 25, 2011

Comrade C P Gajurel Attacks four point deal with UDMF

CP Gajurel stated that the four-point deal between the UCPN (Maoist) and United Democratic Madhesi Front (UDMF) is against the national interest and contravenes the party policy ,  .

He also questioned the points on settling the proposed and pending issues with neighboring countries.

“What are those proposed issues yet to be resolved?” Gajurel said while addressing the parliament meeting on Thursday. “Nepal and India are yet to sign the treaties on extradition and on allowing Indian air marshals.

The status of Nepal will not even be on par with Bhutan once these two treaties are signed.”

He objected to the wordings “inclusive democratic republic” used in the deal. “It is not in line with our party´s policy which advocates people´s federal republic. Therefore it is not acceptable to us,” he said.

Gajurel said the provision on right to property was also unacceptable. The provision states there will be no infringement, in any form, on the property legally owned by any individual. “Such a provision is unacceptable even to the Nepali Congress, let alone to a communist party like ours,” he explained.

He also criticized the provision on recruiting 10,000 youths from Madhesi communities in the Nepal Army. “If so, what about the youths from Limbu, Tharu or other communities?”

On the return of property seized by the Maoists, Gajurel said the properties can be returned only after the government provides an alternative to those who are using it.

Gajurel also criticized the government decision to hand over the keys of the arms containers to the Special Committee without first settling issues of army integration.

Edited Version of A Report in My Republica

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