Sunday, September 18, 2011

Anonymous Operation - Live from Wall Street

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at

For a critical Analysis of this Anonymous Operation by Comrades of Ignite Revolution.Org in New York read here:

Preface: The Immediate Question of September 17th

A few people have asked us to join the organizing that will lead to the September 17th action called by AdBusters Magazine. Our general instinct thus far has been to abstain, mainly for the following reasons:

1) Lack of organizational preparation over months, leading to a lack of preparation in the mobilization of the masses. AdBusters called the action, but gave no organizational capacity to implement it. “Just do it!” Another call from the void.

The call tells us to camp out, but with the little outreach that has been done, who will camp out in the middle of September? Students will be in the midst of classes; there exists no urgent moment for them.

What unions plan to participate?

From what base of people do the organizers plan to mobilize from?

What are the long-term strategic goals?

What is the organizational security for this event? Wall Street is a virtual guarded fortress. The NYPD will be suited with helmets, armed with M-16s, and grouped in mass. How do our friends actually plan to confront the police? Through festival? This seems idealistic.

2) Lack of political orientation, purpose, and plan of action. The haphazard call is followed by haphazard politics, an assortment of populist rhetoric against “Kleptocracy” about the “99%.” There is no effective demand. There is no plan besides sleeping out on the steps of Wall Street on a Saturday. It will not stop the business of Wall Street, because no one will be there.

Whatever our criticisms, we raise them with a movement of people, of friends, in unity-struggle-transformation. We wish for the general success of all friends in their work. However, at the same time, we will not join activity for the sake of activity. This work is no longer a hobby, but merits serious consideration, precisely because the stakes are now turned up for the proletarian masses. Whether or not we participate in September 17th, whether the above questions have answers, we must insist that even if there is a mild success on that day, the path forward is one that must break with this suspect mode of organizing.

We offer friends a critique of this process and a picture of a more resolute path forward. We thought this mode might have lived its last breath at Bloombergville, but it now finds new wings with AdBusters. This mode should very immediately die again.

1 comment:

  1. I love the critique. I think the most important thing pointed out here is that even if there is (and there had been now) mild success, the organizational shortcomings will limit this movement. I thought it was so apropos that the leaders who are leading this movement down a metaphorical dead lead the movement down a literal dead end during saturdays brooklyn bridge fiasco.
