Sunday, July 17, 2011

Prachanda presents political dossier to the Maoist Central Committee amid demands for him to stand down from the leadership

UCPN (Maoist) Central Committee (CC) meeting, which had been deferred many times in the past citing lack of enough home work of party leadership, convened at the party headquarters at Parisdanda on Sunday.

The meeting concluded shortly after party chairman Prachanda presented his much anticipated political dossier for endorsement in the CC meet. The meeting which is facing many setbacks has again been called on Monday.

It has been learnt that the rift among party’s top leadership – Prachanda and vice chairmen duo Mohan Baidya and Baburam Bhattarai - that has virtually driven the party to a brink of a split was also discussed during today’s meeting.

In his political dossier, Prachanda  is learnt to have renewed his readiness to assign responsibilities to all leaders. Although Prachanda  is all set to propose the name of Bhattarai as the party’s candidate for the post of prime minister in the next government, he has stopped short of changing the Parliamentary Party Leader, a position he retains.

Democracy and Class Struggle says in the last few days a document called 18 points published by  Mohan Baiyda ( Kiran) group has called for removal of Prachanda has leader of the party. See the document here:

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