Saturday, July 23, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik the Norwegian Mass Murderer admires the English Defence League in UK

The rightwinger Anders Behring Breivik responsible for the massacre and bombing in Norway appears to have ties with UK-based “counter-jihad movement” the English Defence League.

In online rants, mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik describes himself as a rightwing conservative opposed to “Eurabia”, the “Islamisation of Europe” and the erosion of Christian values.

In a post on Norwegian website he describes his admiration for the English Defence League, his contacts with the group and aspiration to set up a Norwegian sister organisation:


I strongly doubt that your theory is correct. The whole conflict between GDP and EDL started with a change of leadership in the EDL for a few months ago. They threw out the racist and denounced the BNP. They chose instead SIOE's ideological basis that is more or less mainstream view on the right side in Western Europe now (Vienna School of Thought).

Nick was very offended and began to demonize the EDL. Although they are now attacking each other as they compete not at all as these are two quite different fronts. 90% of all votes in the EDL continued GDP (Since this is the only alternative to multikulti in the UK) and 90% of GDP supports EDL regardless of what Nick had to think.

Second, Labour governs intelligence service. They had never in his life supported the EDL as these create a lot of positive attention for the cultural conservative movement in the UK.

I have on some occasions discussed with SIOE and EDL and recommended them to use conscious strategies.

The tactics of the EDL is now out to "entice" an overreaction from Jihad Youth / Extreme-Marxists something they have succeeded several times already. Over The reaction has been repeatedly shown on the news which has booster EDLs ranks high. This has also benefited GDP. WinWin for both.

But I must say I am very impressed with how quickly they have grown but this has to do with smart tactical choice by management.

EDL is an example and a Norwegian version is the only way to prevent Flash / SOS to harass Norwegian cultural conservatives from other fronts. Creating a Norwegian EDL should be No. 3 on the agenda after we have started up a cultural conservative newspaper with national distribution.

The agenda of the Norwegian cultural conservative movement over the next 5 years are therefore:

1. Newspaper with national distribution
2. Working for the control of several NGOs
3. Norwegian EDL

Democracy and Class Struggle says Anders Behring Breivik is writing about the EDL has if it was not racist or nazi, this is incorrect. Roberta Moore head of the EDL Zionist wing has announced recently that she does not wish to be a part of EDL any longer because of Nazi elements within it and has resigned.

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