Monday, June 27, 2011

Video calling for general strike + blockade of the Parliament in Greece, 28-29 June 2011 prepared by Popular Assembly of Constitution Square

This video prepared by the Popular Assembly of Syntagma (Constitution) Square, calling for the 48hours strike on Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 June, and for the blockade of the Parliament on Wednesday 29 June, in order to block the adoption of the new "Middle Term Program" demanded by the IMF-EU-ECB Troika and supported by the Papandreou government.

Democracy and Class Struggle calls for solidarity actions with the Greek People who are pathfinders for the new democratic structures of the 21st century. Read the work of Kris Giov on the Democracy of the Squares :

Also see Greek Solidarity message from March 26th Movement in UK to Greek protestors:

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