Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Raman Singh's Fascist Rule And Its Brutal Oppression Are Responsible For the Recent Counter Attacks of PLGA

Stop Operation Green Hunt Immediately!
Resist Deployment Of Army In Bastar! Oppose Proposed Huge Land Grab In The Name Of Army Training schools!!

Press Release
June 10, 2011

The exploitative ruling classes have been stung by the continued tactical counter-offensives carried out by PLGA especially from the month of May in Dandakaranya. The representatives of corporate media have joined in chorus and started shouting that the 'Maoist attacks suddenly picked up' expressing 'concern'! Prakash Singh, Arnab Goswami, Shekhar Gupta, Chandan Mitra, PV Ramana and all other bankrupt intellectuals are screaming in TV channels. Someone is saying that the government has no effective policy to deal with the Maoists and another says that the government has not willed to. But, naturally, none of these is ready to accept the fact that it was the logical outcome of the government's repressive policies.

But on the other hand... the people of Dandakaranya are welcoming the PLGA's counter-offensives. Especially those people, whose houses were burnt down, whose family members were killed, who were all looted, whose mothers and sisters were insulted, the children of whom became the victims of police brutality, whose nears and dears have been languishing in prisons particularly during these two years of Operation Green Hunt, have expressed their happiness over these counter-attacks.

On 17th of last month in Dantewada district at night, one of our squads blew up CRPF's vehicle with a land mine near Borgudem. Seven mercenaries were killed and one wounded in that explosion.

On May 19, our PLGA carried out a heroic ambush near Nargonda village in Gadchiroli (Maharashtra) district. Chinna Venta, a wild beast (C-60 commando squad commander) was killed and two others injured in that incident. Although in this ambush two of our brave comrades had to immolate their lives. On the same day 3 more mercenaries were annihilated by PLGA near Tadigaon village in the same district. Chinna Venta was synonymous with terror and hardly any village or family left in Gadchiroli district which has not become a victim of his tyranny. From beatings to sexual assault on women, fake encounters, lootings and bribery all such heinous acts used to be a daily routine for him. After hearing the news of Chinna's killing, a festive atmosphere has created throughout the district.

On May 23 - the 44th anniversary day of Great Naxalbari uprising - In Raipur district (Gariaband police district), our PLGA heroically ambushed a police party on the Odisha border killing 9 policemen including an ASP (Assistant Superintendent of Police) Rajesh Pawar. Slain ASP used to misguide and bribe the tribal youth to turn them into informants and he used to gather information from such people. His conspiracy was that on the basis of specific information attacks could be carried out to harm the revolutionary movement. People will never forgive such persons who attack and conspire against the just movement.

Yesterday, on June 9, at seven in the morning the red fighters of PLGA ambushed a police party near the CAF (Chhattisgarh Armed Force) camp of Jharaghati village in Narayanpur district in which five mercenaries died. Two sofisticated weapons were taken away from them. It's noteworthy that this camp was very recently set up under the second phase of Operation Green Hunt. And last night in Katekalyan area of Dantewada district, our red warriors of PLGA blew up an MPV (mine proof vehicle) of police in which total 10 police personnel, including 7 SPOs (Special Police Officers) were killed and 3 others injured. Some weapons were also taken away.

Also in recent days, in Chhindgarh, Tongpal, Bande, Gudse and in some other places PLGA carried out some small and medium type of actions by annihilating some notorious SPOs and policemen.

Why are these counter-offensives taking place?

In fact, Sonia-Manmohan Singh-Chidambaram gang and exploitative rulers like Raman Singh, Shekhar Dutt are responsible for these attacks, who are waging an unjust war - Operation Green Hunt - against the people of the country of which now the second phase being told. As part of this in undivided Bastar region, atrocities and brutal oppression by police, paramilitary, STF, CoBRA, Koya commando and SPOs have increased immensely. The terror campaign unleashed in four villages of Chintalnar area - Morpalli, Timmapuram, Pulanpad and Tadimetla by government armed forces is a recent example. In this barbaric act carried out from March 11 to 16, nearly 300 houses were burnt down; three villagers were killed; six women were raped; two people have been missing; thousands of quintals of food grains were burnt by the so-called security forces. The true measure of this destruction is just impossible.

In Narayanpur district, on April 19, in village Chinari, a fourteen-year old boy named by Rajnu Salam was picked up and shot dead by the police and paramilitary forces and announced as an encounter. Before this, on March 23, in the same district, after an encounter took place in Kullenar village, two PLGA comrades Ramesh and Prabhakar were caught alive and were killed after being subjected to brutal torture. In Bellamnendra and Vimlaguda villages of South Bastar, the government forces created havoc. In this vast region of Dandakaranya, stretching from Rajnandgaon and Kanker districts in the north to Dantewada district in the far south, hundreds of adivasis have been arrested and tortured. They have been languishing in jails with false cases implicated. To put in a nutshell, in throughout Dandakaranya, government armed forces have been continuing their oppression and terror campaign incessantly. Recent counter-attacks should be seen in this background.

In fact, the only goal of Operation Green Hunt being carried out in many parts of the country, especially in the tribal areas, is to wipe out the Maoist movement and to convert these areas into grazing land for the plunderers - the comprador capitalists and the MNCs. Especially in the forest areas of Jharkhand, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal the governments have signed hundreds of MoUs with corporate companies. Of late, government has announced the privatization of Raoghat mines and invited foreign companies to loot precious iron ore reserves. Since the Maoist movement stands as the biggest obstacle in their way, they are waging this war to wipe this out. Now the process of Army deployment has also been started. Although the army is being brought in the name of 'training', but even school going children can also understand this as part of a conspiracy to crush the just mass movements.

On the one hand, the Raman Singh's BJP government in Chhattisgarh is hell-bent on large scale suppression of the struggling people and on the other hand, it is suppressing every voice raised against it. Human rights activist Dr. Binayak Sen was arrested in treason case and sentenced to life imprisonment only for speaking out against the atrocities of government forces and the Salwa Judum's terror. Himanshu Kumar's 'Vanavasi Chetana Ashram' was demolished with the same reason and Raman's government has driven him away not only from Bastar, but also from Chhattisgarh. Every team that had come for fact-finding of massacres of adivasis carried out as part of Operation Green Hunt was blocked from entering into Bastar. Even a woman team was badly harassed and forced to get out of Bastar region. Recently, Swami Agnivesh was also beaten and forced to leave Bastar while he was trying to reach Chintalnar area to meet the victims of state terror. Chhattisgarh home minister Nankiram shamelessly announced that his government is just going to impose ban on PUCL and that even Swami Agnivesh would be barred from entering Bastar region. To understand the nature of fascistic 'police raj' in Chhattisgarh one example of Kalluri, the notorious ex-SSP of Dantewada would be quite sufficient. In a press conference Kalluri openly declared the cash reward of Rs one lakh to a Koya commando commander who had killed a villager by the name of Maoist. And he surprised everyone by saying that he would continue to give cash rewards in the same way for each Maoist's death. He also vowed that he would not take salt in his food until at least 12 Maoists killed!
What the police tell is the law here! What Home Minister or Chief Minister says is the Constitution in Chhattisgarh! "Democracy" has been reduced to a lewd joke here. PESA Act, 5th schedule etc. have become a mockery. In these circumstances the people have no option but to resist in their self-defense.

We appeal to police, paramilitary forces and SPOs that you are not our enemies. This battle is not aimed against you. The exploiting ruling classes have pushed you into this unjust war against people. So, you do not take part in operations carried out against people and do not perpetrate acts of terror against the people. Identify the real enemies of the country - the corrupt, scamsters, gangsters and compradors who are ruling our country in the name of democracy.

Communist Party of India (Maoist) Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee calls upon the country's entire toiling people and democrats to demand for --

« Stop Operation Green Hunt immediately!

« Oppose the deployment of Army in Bastar region and resist the proposed acquisition of 750 sq km land in the name of Army training!

« Demand for stringent punishments to all police officers including SSP Kalluri, IG Langkumer and DGP Viswaranjan and all other CoBRA and Koya commandos involved in the atrocities and acts of terror committed against the people of Chintalnar area!

« Demand for unconditional release of all imprisoned adivasis!
(Gudsa Usendi)
Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee
CPI (Maoist)


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