Friday, May 27, 2011

No surrender of the PLA by Rishi Raj Baral

Rcently, in the meeting of standing committee, senior vice chairman of UNCP , Comrade Mohan Baidhya ‘Kiran’ registered another note of dissent regarding the issue of PLA integration. Dahal denied the latest Central committee decision and passed his document by majority–with the support of Baburam Bhattarai. It raised a lot of questions and worried all the revolutionaries. It was infact , a surrender of the PLA. The decision done about PLA was not a minor issue, it was a vital one and an issue which will have a long term effect.

I think it is necessary to take PLA out of the cantonment. We should know that there is also a class division within the PLA. The high rank commanders, specially who support Prachanda’s line are enjoying luxurious life. They have each and every thing to consume. There has been a vast change in their life style and daily life. Their dreams are different from the PLA of lower ranks. They don’t think about revolution and they don’t have the dreams of revolution. Rather , they are threatening the lower PLA cadres, in the name of discipline and chain of command. Lower cadres are prohibited by minimum requirements and are disallowed to study revolutionary materials. They are prevented to take part in meetings and ideological debates and discussions. They are forbidden to study books of war memoirs, to listen to revolutionary songs and to go through the literature related to ten years people’s war.

It is true that the recently passed document of Prachanda is an ideological continuation of Chungwang meeting: preparation for deviation and betrayal of the revolution. When Comrade Kiran and Gaurav were imprisoned in Indian jail, Prachanda abandoned the People ‘s War. In fact detainment of Kiran and Gaurav was part of the grand design to make the party organisation and revolutionary line weak and to make revisionists strong and in majority. And no doubt, it was done with the support of revisionists and Pro Indians, who have disguised themselves in one or the other name and faction within the party. The main objective of this design was to turn the revolutionary party into a revisionist party. It was a long term plan and policy to destroy the party’s revolutionary line and spirit. The people’s court and the base areas and local people’s governments all were dissolved in the name of peace process. Only the PLA remained to be dissolved. Now they are going to complete the remaining task , disarming and surrendering the PLA in the name of integration.

No surrender of PLA, was the conviction and dedication of the party. And it is natural to be one of the main issues of two line struggle. It is a political crime to humiliate the PLA, who faught bravely against the reactionary forces and never were defeated.

In reality the lower rank of PLA cadres want revolution. They want continuation of revolution and people’s revolt. They want to go ahead. Too much staying in the cantonment means to ruin oneself. Therefore they want to come out and participate in the class struggle. They don’t want to surrender in the name of integration. The major issue is: PLA must not be humiliated. It is the matter of dignity, value and class outlook. If the party leadership does this type of humiliating decision, they will not accept this. No liquidation but revolution: they are free to choose the path to revolution and revolt.

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