Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Nepalese Khanal Government must go says India according to Nepal Telegraph

Intelligent brains backed by high placed information supplied to this paper/online edition do tell that “some alien” hands caused this sure shot split in order to depose the incumbent Nepal prime Minister Jhal Nath Khanal.

The Indian conclusion is that this Khanal government must go because this was a RED government presumably formed with the tacit support of the Chinese regime.

If so then how can India tolerate the China’s presumed intrusion in its “preserved” play ground that it is?

China though has distanced itself from Nepal’s internal politics.

The restive and a highly distressed Indian republic sent some high placed Intelligence authorities of the most infamous RAW-Research Analysis Wing- to Kathmandu with the instructions straight from the Indian Prime Minister, who is himself a proxy one that they should not return to New Delhi until Nepal Prime Minister was deposed.

This does mean that the RAW men, currently in Kathmandu, were doing their assigned jobs and have already bagged some substantial success, analysts have been told, in their mission “depose Khanal”.

Sources close to the Nepal PM secretariat have told this paper that three disparaging Indian brains were currently in Kathmandu.

They are, Mr. MATHUR-the deputy Chief of the RAW central command in Delhi; Mr. ALOK JOSHI-the former RAW Chief stationed in Nepal.

And as if these two frightening creatures were not enough, Dr. Man Mohan Singh has sent one of his inner coterie confidantes, Mr. H. KHARE as special emissary to Nepal to ensure the toppling of the incumbent government at the earliest.

Mr. Mathur, Joshi and Khare day in day out have been doing their assigned task by confining themselves inside a Kathmandu Hotel.

JOshi entered Kathmandu, Sunday with the ID 01042010.

The same source has told this paper that these three distinguished Indian nationals have been strictly told not to ask for any support from the local RAW office and only to meet those Nepali political animals who were against the Khanal coalition.

This is mysterious but speaks of a clear division in Nepal politics.

Reports have it that former Indian Ambassador K. V. Rajan too is loitering in Kathmandu streets.

Otherwise a modest person, why Ambassador Rajan is involved in destroy Nepal game is mysterious.

Retirement benefit with engagements.

The Mathur, Joshi and Khare terror has already hit Kathmandu.

Add to this the Rajan one as well.

All in all, Nepali situation is soon to take a perilous turn. Mere three days have been left for the expiry of the CA body.

But what India will gain after toppling this government is very difficult to understand. At best, anti-India sentiments will surely increase as has already become evident from the Indian GMR office being set on fire and the Indian Ambassador being served stern warning by the common Nepali nationals.

The three Indian secret agents have already met the sidelined King of Nepal. This has some meaning.

Ambassador Rajan is learnt to have managed this audience.

Source: Nepal Telegraph

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