Thursday, May 5, 2011

Free Mumia, Free MOVE 8 Picket US Embassy London on 13th April 2011

Free Mumia, Free MOVE 8

Picket US Embassy, 5.00 - 7.00 pm on Friday 13 May
Grosvenor Square

Friday 13 May is the anniversary of the City of Philadelphia dropping a bomb on the home of MOVE. Their actions killed 11 men, women and children in 1985. But this was not the first time MOVE had been targeted by the authorities. 8 members of MOVE are still in prison for a crime they did not commit following a police siege of their home in 1978. One reason they are still in jail is that they continue to uphold their innocence.

MOVE and Mumia are active in support of one another and of all political prisoners.

For more information

Free All Political Prisoners
End the Torture of Solitary Confinement in Prisons
End the Racist Death Penalty
Abolish the Death Penalty Globally
End All Summary Extra Judiciary Killings
End All Political Disappearances

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