Sunday, April 3, 2011

Proletari Comunisti of Italy - Marxist-Leninist-Maoist communists support the revolts of Arab masses

In the revolt of the Arab masses, is especially seen the role as the protagonist of youth masses. The horizon of the ongoing uprisings is the overthrow of the regime in power, democratic freedoms, the improvement of living conditions. Workers are involved and share the objectives of these uprisings, they support them with strikes for their own demands, but they still neither express an autonomous overall position nor play a leading role. This means that the uprising  are currently led by two lines: one of the bourgeois-democratic forces, often pro-Western, one of opposition Islamist forces. 

The partial victories they won with the fall of the regimes in Egypt and Tunisia and the weakening of other regimes in the Arab world, the Middle East and Persian Gulf, have been achieved thanks to the strength and the magnitude of the peoples movement and, on the other hand, thanks to the rift it has caused within the army and parts of regimes themselves. Yet, we see a change in the form of the ruling regimes, not of substance, or, in some cases, a temporary setback to prepare a restorer counter-offensive. The conservation and restoration of such regimes is the aim of Islamic fundamentalism as well as the intervention of imperialism of U.S., Europe and, within this, of Italy, which want to contibute, with the political action and the military intervention, to drive the transition in the furrow of imperialist interests in the region.

In this situation, the current uprisings will be not able to achieve their goals until they get rid of such hegemony and any illusion on those forces, internal to regimes, which passed on their side, i.e. the forces of Islamic fundamentalism, the forces that just want more Western-style democracy, and the U.S., French, Italian imperialists etc.

This is the real task of the communists and the labour movement, in order to transform the current democratic uprisings into New Democratic Revolutions in all the Arab world, North Africa and Persian Gulf. The new democratic revolutions in led by the communists and proletariat are the real alternative, the real enemy of all reactionary and imperialist forces. The uprisings brought a favourable condition for this development, starting from the workers struggles, that are growing in strength, finding a even more favourable ground.

There are similarities and differences between the regimes in the different countries, concerning the development of the rebellion and the participation of workers, as well as the way regimes are responding. These are issues that the Communists and progressive forces have to take into account, in their strategy, but also in their tactics. In particular, we have to look at the situation in Egypt and Libyan.

In Egypt we see a still solid regime, despite the important downfall of Mubarak. The power is in the hands of the army, that grants a continuity of rulers interests, security of imperialistic interests, the alliance with Israel, etc.. The democracy and social fairness promised by the military hierarchies in power will be never realized. On the contrary, the new rulers are preparing to prevent the revolt from resuming and developing. An underground war already goes on for this purpose, first against the forces of rebel youth and workers struggles. The new prop of the regime, "the party of conciliators", is basically represented by Islamic fundamentalists, who have played a minor role in the uprising, but now, in the new space that the regime gives them, aims to play a stabilizing role. These forces are not and cannot be part of a united front aimed to realize the democratic and social demands put forward by the uprising.

In Libya, the regime relies on a full militarization of ideological and charismatic type. From being a positive factor, in the early colonial phase, long time ago it turned into a fascist dictatorship, subjected to and integrant part of the imperialist domination. Libya is a particular country: richest, with a centralized economy and massive use of immigrant labour. It is quite clear, therefore, that in this country, and the characteristics of the uprising, and the degree of participation of workers, and the solidity and the reaction of the regime, have taken different shapes and developments. Gaddafi responded to the uprising by turning it into a civil war. The Libyan masses should unite to defeat and topple the regime, but part of them relied on imperialists. First by interfering, then with the military intervention, imperialists play a direct role in resolving the ongoing civil war. Needed, now more than ever, a anti-imperialist patriotic united front.

Proletari comunisti supports the uprisings of people and youth and supports the struggling efforts of the working class, the reorganization in autonomous forms, trade union and political. We support the communists who in these countries, in the fire of class struggle and close link with the masses, will carry forward the New Democratic anti-imperialist revolution, by fighting imperialism, social-chauvinism and opportunism, false communist and false anti-imperialist positions in our country. Our task now is to give voice and information of the uprising, the youth, the workers, the communists and progressive people, and in particular of those are engaged for a new democratic revolution. We must oppose any "humanitarian", military intervention of Italian, European, U.S. imperialism, because, anyway it looks like, it serves oil multinationals, the merchants of war, the geo-strategic control of the region and aims to suppress the rebellion and keep in power regimes against people

No war against Libya!
proletarian national mobilization!

Proletari comunisti denounces the imperialist intervention decided by the UN that authorizes the bombing of Libya the U.S., France, Great Britain, with a role in the forefront of Italy, that provides military bases, planes and troops.

The Gaddafi's reactionary regime, neo-colonial, can only be toppled by the Libyan masses through the revolt, not by imperialism, first Italian imperialism, which has so far supported Gaddafi.
Those forces, part of the rebellion against Gaddafi, which have asked and now welcome the imperialist armed intervention, are at the service of imperialist interests in Libya. It is a tragic illusion that imperialism can bring freedom and democracy. Imperialism is always exploitation, looting and oppression, both when they supports reactionary dictators and when they speak of democracy.

The masses in Libya need a national united front, against imperialists and against Gaddafi, for the national and social self-determination, for a Republic of New Democracy in the hands of the masses.
The Italian imperialism participates the intervention to ensure the interests of the Italian bourgeois, the multinationals of energy, the merchants of war. So far they have been backed by Gaddafi. Now they need to be defended by the direct intervention, whatever the outcome of the current civil war.
Once again, the Italian government and parliament, under the aegis of Napolitano, in a climate of Patriotic National Unity, violate the Art.11 of the Constitution and participate in a reactionary and neo-colonial war. 

Once again, the costs of this military intervention will be shifted on the backs of workers and the masses in Italy. The South, and in particular the Puglia, Taranto and Gioia del Colle, and Sicily, is used as a base and becomes a war zone..

Proletari communist calls the workers, the masses, young people and the whole anti-war movement to the streets to say NO to imperialist intervention in Libya, to overthrow the war-monger government and every government of the parties supporting the imperialist military intervention, to confirm the support for the Arab masses in revolt, from the Persian Gulf to Libya, against reactionary regimes, dictatorial and unpopular - in Libya, represented by Gaddafi.

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