Thursday, April 7, 2011

Italian State launches attacks against Anarchists and have carried out searches in Bologna, Ferrara, Modena, Rome, Padova, Trento, Reggio Calabria, Ancona, Turin, Lecce, Naples, Trieste, Genoa, Teramo, Forli, Ravenna and Milan.

The Digos, the Italian political police, in the city of Bologna, have executed an operation investigating frequent visitors to the Bologna activist circle ‘Fuoriluogo’. The provision for the operation was decided by the prosecutor of Bologna within an inquiry carried out by the Bologna Digos.

Whilst this morning, more than 300 police have carried out searches in Bologna, Ferrara, Modena, Rome, Padova, Trento, Reggio Calabria, Ancona, Turin, Lecce, Naples, Trieste, Genoa, Teramo, Forli, Ravenna and Milan. The comrades under investigation are accused of belonging to a ‘subversive association for criminal intent’. 60 searches are reported, resulting, so far, in 12 people under precautionary measures and one arrest according to media.


Democracy and Class Struggle offers its solidarity to Italian Anarchist Comrades against the attack by the Digos. 

This Italian Anarchist Song is to keep the comrades spirits up and the note after the video shows how Anarchists in Italy have been framed by the State to cover right wing crimes in the recent past.

There is an extensive history in Italy of anarchists or "left-wingers" appearing as suspects in the early stages of investigations, being arrested and later being shown to be innocent. In 2000 and 2001 two trials concerning explosions during the so-called "years of lead" originally blamed on anarchists resulted in convictions for right-wingers acting with state collusion.

Three members of Ordine Nuovo, a neo-fascist group with alleged links to Italian and US secret services, received life sentences on 30 June 2001 for planting a bomb in Milan's Banca dell'agricoltura in 1969, killing sixteen people. Two anarchists, Giuseppe Pinelli and Pietro Valpreda, were the original suspects. Pinelli died after falling out of a window when he was being questioned in custody, and Valpreda spent three years in prison. 

Gianfranco Bertoli was found guilty on 11 March 2000 for a 1973 bombing outside Milan's police station in which four people were killed - despite his claims that he was an anarchist, he was found to have been employed by the Italian secret service, SIFAR, and to have links with far-right groups, particularly Ordine Nuovo.

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