Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Free Mumia Abu Jamal Birthday March and Rally in Brixton on 23rd April,2011

Assemble at 1 pm for Mumia Abu Jamal's Birthday Rally and March at Windrush Square , Brixton on 23rd April 2011.

Rally with Speakers at 3pm -

Invited Speakers
Bob Crow General Secretary of Rail Maritime and Transport Union
Mark Serwotka General Secretary of PCS Union
Fire Brigades Union
Uhuru Movement speaker

plus others to be announced

The March and Rally Calls to :

Free Mumia Abu Jamal
Free All Political Prisoners
End Torture and Solitary Confinement in Prisons
End The Racist Death Penalty
Abolish the Death Penalty Globally
End to All Summary and Extra judiciary killing
End to all political disappearances

Support the March and Rally Contact

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