Sunday, March 6, 2011

Latin American Left divided over question of Libya - La izquierda latinoamericana frente a la guerra civil en Libia Por: José Bustos

The civil war in Libya has joined in the Latin American left, a new cause of division. Some are in favor of the unconditional defense of the Gaddafi regime, others, among whom I count myself, expressing solidarity with militant insurgents. Let's see what the major differences.

- Gaddafi, a leading anti-imperialist

This is without doubt one of the main regarded as an anti-imperialist leader Gaddafi. Which, they argued, justifies this characterization is not so much the kind of society he has created in Libya, the cowardly "Jamahiriya" (mass democracy), but the reputation he did public enemy No 1 of the Western World .

Apparently, no matter that occurred long ago, decades, and that in the interval, the belligerent radical Qaddafi has become a ruthless desire to be forgiven their sins youth and to be considered as someone presentable by the powerful of this world.

Many of those who still see Gaddafi as a revolutionary leader do not know that his sudden ideological conversion, among other outrages, opened wide the doors of his country to foreign capital (European and American in particular), submitted meekly classic neoliberal IMF demands, denounced many of the foreign revolutionaries had formed militarily in that country, and accepted the sad but well-paid role of watchdog in Europe, North African immigration to prevent the Italian coast.

Many, he said, do not know, but many others know it perfectly and does not cause any problems because, they say, Gadhafi has been able to redistribute oil revenues equitably among their people, to the extent that Libya has made the country has " per capita the highest in the region. It matters little to them that a considerable portion of these revenues are managed by the sons of megalomaniac, as money itself, and which are big investors in Europe and capitalists, buying a professional football team, and major holdings in some European transnational capital .

- The CIA, the Israeli Mossad and Al Qaeda

If Libya had not the slightest problem, social or political, the "rebellion" of vast sections of people can only be explained, according to known Conspiranoids vocation of some leftists, by the intervention of foreign intelligence services, particularly the CIA and Israeli Mossad, and the phantom but always useful to Al Qaeda. To American supporters of the rebellion Gaddafi in Libya do not join then in the context of the Arab riots, who are demanding freedom, democracy and better living conditions, but an imperialist plot in order to promote a military intervention by NATO to take over in fine of the rich oil and gas reserves, as happened with the invasion of Iraq.

The lack of understanding of certain sectors of the left, popular demands for freedom and democracy, is well known. As freedom and democracy do not eat, they find it hard to understand that people out into the streets to reclaim them, especially if done on a full stomach and full of health. To them, men are as a particular species of domestic animals, for whom it is more than enough to assure food, protection from weather, and call a doctor if they have any health problems. Freedom, democracy, and the claim to be involved in defining their own destiny, are outlandish ideas. That, as we have seen in the experiences of real socialism, whose remnants are not extinct yet, let him by natural law and bureaucracy rule over the people.

- There is no evidence that planes bombed peaceful demonstrations

This perception of an imperialist plot rather than a popular revolt anti-dictatorial, self, first, the defense of the regime "socialist" Gaddafi and on the other hand, the repression of all those involved, ie people coming out to show each day, but it does to call, simply, and rightly so, a change of regime.

However, they say, the repression has been exaggerated. The regime has used aircraft to attack the popular demonstrations. There is no proof. It is an invention more of the imperialist media to justify the opening of an international investigation into crimes against humanity, and the intervention of NATO forces.

It matters little to these draconian unrepentant that the bodies of civilians, and counted by hundreds, and thousands of people, Libyans and other nationalities panicked attempt to leave the territory. They did not ask who they killed, as he tries to escape danger many people, not having to answer to themselves that are what Gadhafi still has its military and mercenary groups (not just African) paid generously with petrodollars.Forces will continue killing the people to slow the fall, we expect inevitable, which is called in Marxist, he is invested with a divine power.

Occurs, as I told others, that the notion of "human rights" is, for some left, an elastic concept that adapts to each situation, according to the interests that are behind the violence.

- Trust in people's struggles

Regarding the civil war in Libya, all of us who are in solidarity from the left with the popular uprising, we are acutely aware of the risks involved in that conflict, in particular the partition of the country, and that ultimately, imperialism recover without major economic or military efforts, control of natural resources of that country.

Despite these risks, we can not, at least, to me, to assume the defense of a corrupt regime, dictatorial, that is no different at all from those who were his allies, Ben Ali and Mubarak and deserves the same end.Instead, we rely on the evolution of the struggle of Arab peoples today for freedom and democracy, and tomorrow for a socialist society.

For the original article in Spanish read here:

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