Saturday, March 5, 2011

Give me Strength Mao Zedong dedicated to the North African and Middle East Uprisings

In the new revolutionary upsurge in North Africa and Middle East we do not see the three magic weapons that Mao Zedong said that are  required for the science of revolution, the Party, the Army and the United Front.

Whilst there are some Maoist Organisations in North Afrikan and the Arab World they are small at this time.

The masses yearn to go beyond bourgeois democratic neo liberal politics and economics but the communist movement because of the rise of modern revisionism is still weak and not yet capable of becoming the  revolutionary leadership.

There is still no Mao from the Nile Delta so feared by the Nasserists, Islamists and the Imperialists.

However Marxism Leninism Maoism is still young and is a powerful ideology that will grow expotentially in periods of revolutionary crisis like the current one has people seek answers has to why the movements are being hi jacked by the elites.

Study the Course on Marxism Leninism Maoism produced by Indian comrades here :

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