Friday, March 18, 2011

French Maoists on imperialism and democratic movements, "Two weights, two measures"

Since January, the fight was initiated by the Arab peoples against the "watchdogs" of the imperialists.

They dropped Ben Ali in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt, demonstrations took place and continues in Yemen, Bahrain, Libya (where there are deaths every day) suppressed demonstrations held in Jordan, Syria, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Palestine (West Bank and Gaza), Lebanon, Algeria, Morocco, while the fire smoldering embers in sub-Saharan African countries.

In Libya, Gaddafi had thrown his anti-imperialist mask off for past several years, supporting the "watchdogs" of Africa, serving as a border police against immigrants in exchange for aid and other trade agreements with the fascist Berlusconi, with France, for the benefit of multinational corporations and arms dealers that he uses to quell the rebellion which is supported by the imperialists.

On 17 March the UN, proposed by French imperialism and by 10 votes to 5 against, voted against Gaddafi's military intervention, providing support to the uprising of the Libyan people.

The goal is not to support the democratic revolution, but to make profits. We can take the example of what happens in Tunisia and Egypt, where the imperialists are pushing their pawns to implement new  more presentable "watchdog", but where none supports the popular and revolutionary forces. This is intended to "renew" modern colonialism.

For the imperialists, are not about supporting the democratic revolution in Bahrain. They gave the green light to "watch dogs" of Saudi Arabia and the UAE to rescue the king of Bahrain, another "watchdog".

This shows that the imperialist interventions have a common goal: protecting the interests of the imperialists. For this, they provide military support to the popular uprising in Libya, and they are supporting their "watchdog" in place in Bahrain through Saudi Arabia's military and the Emirates.

We can not rely on the imperialists to lead a revolution because their goal is ultimately to preserve one way or another their profits to maintain other forms modern colonialism.

But the reactionary raise stones to let them back on their feet. Because a plug has blown and the working class and the working classes are not fools and will continue their revolutionary struggle for real change. They stepped forward, brought new stones and have had a breath of air in the struggle of peoples for their emancipation.

Their struggle is part of the world proletarian revolution. This takes different forms depending on the country, according to the components of the movement, management, strategy, purpose.

The world's oppressed peoples Front is composed of national liberation struggle and anti-imperialist, democratic revolutions, revolts and wars led by the popular new type of party, the Maoist Communist parties.

Whatever the maneuvers of the imperialists and their lackeys, the struggle of the people is invincible.

Long live the struggle of the proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world revolution!

PC Maoist France - March 18, 2011

This translation is done by google translate and any errors are ours not Drapeau Rouge's

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