Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hospital in Bahrain - Protests against brutality in Bahrain - Three dead confirmed

This video shows today's demonstrations at Salmaniya hospital Bahrain. During the night the hospitals ambulances were seized by government forces, blocking the hospitals ability to care for the dying and wounded victims of the crackdown on Protesters. Many media organisations are now reporting several hundred were injured with 3 deaths so far confirmed. The brutality of this crackdown is now spreading throughout the Internet. One man had his head blown off during the attack,which took place whilst most of the demonstrators were sleeping. An ABC news journalist was also violently attacked.

Bahrain Riots 17 02 2011 Lulu Roundabout Medical nurses and doctors demonstrates against the orders to not treat injured people. This has also been confirmed by a subscriber who is in Bahrain at the moment.

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