Sunday, January 23, 2011

PFLP and Sa'adat salute the Tunisian people and their revolution

PFLP and Sa'adat salute the Tunisian people and their revolution

Comrade Ahmad Sa'adat, General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, issued a message from isolation on January 15, 2011, saluting the people of Tunisia and greeting their struggle. He congratulated all the political and social forces participating in the popular uprising against "a system of injustice, abuse and exploitation." Sa'adat's message stressed that the Tunisian popular revolution was the natural result of years of policies of marginalization and dictatorship, and the natural popular reaction to plunder and pillage of the Tunisian people's resources at the hands of repressive, corrupt regimes that are agents of colonialism.
Sa'adat's message said that the blood of the martyrs of Tunisia, popular involvement, the accumulation of experience of struggle, and the involvement of men and women, political parties and labor unions were the conditions that ensured the protection, survival and continuation of the uprising. He called for the protections of the achievements of the Tunisian people and the further development of community justice, democracy, and respect for the Tunisian people's choices.
Sa'adat called upon all democratic political forces in Tunisia to come together to safeguard the achievements of the popular uprising of Tunisia and to achieve its just and legitimate demands.
The PFLP issued a statement also on January 15, 2011, saluting the Tunisian people and their accomplishments, noting that the Tunisian people had also a long history of popular support for the Palestinian cause. The Front stated that it stands completely with the popular Tunisian movement and its democratic and progressive forces, noting that the Tunisian popular revolution is a historic transformation and an inspiration to the entire Arab world, as well as a warning to all Arab rulers.
The Front paid tribute to the martyrs of the Tunisian people who stand alongside the martyrs of the Palestinian people in the national Arab struggle for liberation, democracy and self-determination. It called upon all to stand beside the Tunisian people to defend their revolt and their democracy and independence.
On January 16, 2011, the PFLP participated alongside other Palestinian protestors in Beitunia, demonstrating in solidarity with the Tunisian people and their uprising at the Tunisian embassy. Demonstrators chanted "The poor people of Tunisia make their road to freedom, life and democracy!" "Green Tunisia opens the way to the decay of corrupt Arab regimes!" "Greetings from Palestine to the Tunisian people!" "All Support to the Tunisian people!" The demonstrators saluted the Tunisian people's right to democracy and their victory over corruption, tyranny, injustice and police repression, and said that it underlies the will of the Arab people to build independent, national and democratic forces that are responsible to the people, not to the U.S. and its security forces.
Furthermore, the Front condemned any repression of expressions of support for the Tunisian revolution by the Palestinian Authority, saying that such repression is unacceptable and that the Palestinian people are with the Tunisian people in rejecting corruption, repression and dictatorship.


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