Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dr. Bhattarai is not a pro-India man: Sunil-Nepal Maoist Leader

Source : Telegraph Nepal
Devendra Poudel 'Sunil', a politburo member of the Unified Maoists' Party in an exclusive interview with one of the leading national dailies dated November 17, 2010, opines that rather than taking India as the prime enemy of the party, the party should expose India's expansionist behaviour and focus on strengthening Nepali nationalism.
We have been continuously deploring India's expansionist, hegemonic and interfering role in Nepal.
We have been saying that we need to expose, deplore and defend such acts. We have also been demanding scrapping of all unequal treaties with India, says Sunil.
Mr. Poudel who is considered to be a Maoist leader close to vice chairman Dr. Babu Ram Bhattarai refutes allegation that Dr. Bhattarai is an 'Indian agent'
Yes such allegations are indeed being made against Dr. Bhattarai within the party itself. To use such a derogatory term against Comrade Bhattarai is highly inappropriate, fraudulent and manufactured, also says Sunil in his bid to defend Dr. Bhattarai-the JNU trained Maoists ideologue.
Comrade Bhattarai is such a political personality who has been continuously, to be candid, much ahead the peoples' revolt was declared, had demanded the scrapping of all unequal treaties with India.
He was (Dr. Bhattarai) the one who had formally submitted a memorandum at the Indian Embassy demanding abrogation of such unequal treaties...thus to linkup Dr. Bhattarai with India in some way or the other is highly a negative approach.

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