Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Condemn the murder of Comrade Azad and Hem Pandey - Mobilise for demonstration at Indian High Commission London on 15th August 2010

Condemn the murder of Comrade Azad and Hem Pandey - Mobilise for demonstration at Indian High Commission on 15th August 2010

The Coordination Committee of the Revolutionary Communists of Britain condemns the killing of Comrade Cherukuri Rajkumar spokesperson for the CPI Maoist popularly known as Azad and journalist Hem Pandey by the Indian State.

The killing of comrade Azad who was involved in peace negotiations exposes the criminal comprador nature of the Indian State which has declared War on its own patriotic people and has a programme of selective assassination of its own citizens - leaders of the people's movement especially the CPI Maoist..

The Coordination Committee of the Revolutionary Communists of Britain re -affirms its determination to expose the crimes of the Indian State and calls on the people of Britain to support the demonstration at the Indian High Commission on 15th August 2010 between 11 am to 1 pm against the murder of Comrade Azad and the journalist Hem Pandey and Operation Green Hunt and Indian Expansionism.

The Protest at the Indian High Commission on the 15th August India's National Day is called by Indian Workers Assocation and the Alliance for Peoples Rights in South Asia.and the Progressive Nepalese Forum and supported by the Coordination Committee of the Revolutionary Communists of Britain..

The Coordination Committee of the Revolutionary Communists of Britain also calls for an international investigation into the murder of comrade Azad and Hem Pandy and for maximum mobilsation for 15th August 2010 demonstration in London to express the outrage felt by progressive people of Britain at the murderous activities of the Indian State which are ignored by the British bourgeois media

Coordination Committee of Revolutionary Communists of Britain

Statement Issued 25th July 2010

1 comment:

  1. we will attend the protest in support of our fallen brothers azad and pandey dal khalsa uk
