Thursday, February 11, 2010

Maoists plan to recruit discharged combatants in YCL

The Unified CPN (Maoist) has adopted a policy to recruit the PLA combatants recently discharged from various cantonments across the country in its youth wing Young Communist League (YCL), Kantipur daily reported. The party has taken such policy as the discharged combatants are young and are former combatants. However, they will not be forced to join politics or join the party if they want to lead a private life, Maoist leaders say.

“We have instructed the local party bodies to keep in touch with the discharged combatants,” PLA deputy commander and spokesperson Chandra Dev Khanal told Kantipur. “They can work in whichever sister organisation of the party they wish. We don’t plan them to recruit in a single organisation.” Those who do not want to join politics can undergo trainings to be provided by UNICEF and live private life, he said. Khanal opines, it will be easy for the discharged combatants if they are employed in something similar to what they were doing.

Maoist politburo member and spokesperson Dina Nath Sharma said, “We will employee our friends discharged from the cantonments in various sister organizations including the YCL.”

More than 2000 combatants out of 4000 who were disqualified by second UNMIN verification have been discharged from various cantonments across the country in the past month. About 1,700 combatants had already left the cantonments showing dissatisfaction with the official discharge process.

source: Nepal News

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