Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Nepal Maoist nationwide protest to concentrate on protecting national sovereignty

The Unified CPN (Maoist) on Tuesday decided to focus the fourth phase of their nationwide agitation "to protect national sovereignty and integrity" upon reaching the conclusion that it is in "serious danger".

Maoist chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal aka Prachanda (C) speaking at a press conference organised after the central committee meeting at the party headquarters, Koteshwor, Tuesday, 05 Jan 10. Also seen in the picture are Maoist vice chairmen-duo Mohan Baidya and Dr Baburam Bhattarai.

The central committee (CC) meeting of the party that concluded at the party headquarters in Paris Danda, Koteshwor today took the decision to this effect.

The meeting also finalized the protest program for the fourth phase of their nationwide agitation today and endorsed the political report tabled by party chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal.

Informing the reporters outside the Maoist headquarters about the decision taken by the CC, Dahal said the issue of national sovereignty "is more pressing than civilian supremacy" at the current juncture and hence the fourth phase of agitation of the party will focus entirely on the issue.

Claiming that the possibility of a formation of a Maoist-led government has increased, Dahal said that his party is ready to join the government under his leadership.

Refuting reports that quoted him as telling his party activists that India had offered to make senior Maoist leader Dr Baburam Bhattarai the prime minister, Dahal said the media misinterpreted his remarks and he never said that.

Later, at a press conference organized to publicize the protest programmes for the fourth phase of the party agitation, Dr Bhattarai said that media reports about India exerting pressure to make him the prime minister in the new government (after the fall of current UML led government) was "mere rumors" and that he was "extremely sad" owing to the incident which he claimed was done to defame him.

As per the protest programme for the fourth phase of their nationwide agitation, the Maoists will organize mass meetings to expose as well as build awareness regarding large tracts of Nepali territory encroached by India, visit Kalapani and other border areas where Nepali land has been encroached by India, burn "unequal" treaties signed between the two countries and stage sit-in in front of the government administrative center in Singh Durbar and the Indian embassy

Source : Nepal News

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