Monday, January 25, 2010

Fifth Norwegian Soldier Killed in Afghanistan – the Socialist Left Party Has Blood on their Hands

Dear comrades around the world.

Press statement from Serve the People - Communist League of Norway

25. January 2010

Fifth Norwegian Soldier Killed in Afghanistan – the Socialist Left Party
Has Blood on their Hands

The fifht Norwegian soldier has been killed in the predatory war in
Afghanistan. Bring the troops home NOW!, Serve the People demands.

- The only way to guarantee that more Norwegian lives not will be lost in
Afghanistan is to stop the Norwegian participation in the predatory war in
Afghanistan, Henrik Ormåsen – spokesperson for Serve the People –
Communist Leauge
– states.

Serve the People condemn the government which is behind the Norwegian
participation in the war and want the soldiers home immediately.

- The Norwegian government, where the «peace party» Socialist Left Party
participates, is responsible for the Norwegian war participation and thus
also has the responsibility every time a Norwegian soldier is injured or
killed, Ormåsen continues.

Taliban is no solution

- Taliban is no solution for the people in Afghanistan. Taliban stands for
an ultrareactionary and oppressing politics against women, they want to
bring Afghanistan back to the dark ages. We support the Afghan people's
right to throw out the occupiers. But it is obvious that the Afghan people
will gather around those who run the resistance against the occupiers. As
communists we cannot support the ultra-reactionary, women oppressing and
islamist politics of the Taliban, but we support the Afgani people's right
to throw the occupiers out.

The US-imperialist occupation of Afghanistan has up to now cost more than
500.000 people their lives. As long as the occupiers don't withdraw, there
is no reason to believe that ther will not be hundred thousands of victims
who will meet a too early death, Ormåsen ends.

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