Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Communist Party of India (Maoist) called for a 72-hour bandh in the Central region of India from January 25 to 27 against Operation Green Hunt

HYDERABAD: The Communist Party of India (Maoist) called for a 72-hour bandh in the Central region of India from January 25 to 27 protesting against the murderous operation Green Hunt unleashed on the Adivasis.

In a press release here today, CPI(Maoist) central regional bureau spokesperson Pratap and Central Committee spokesperson Azad, called upon the people of Chhattisgarh, North Telangana, Andhra-Orissa Border region and Gadchiroli and Chandrapur districts of Maharashtra to observe 72-hour bandh.

They appealed to the people to build a mighty militant mass movement to force the reactionary rulers to stop the bloodbath in the adivasi areas.

``We call upon the entire rank and file of the party, the brave PLGA fighters and the revolutionary masses to valiantly fight back the brutal offensive unleashed by the rulers,’’ Pratap and Azad said.

“It is clear that the agents of the imperialists and the business houses ruling our country are preparing to evacuate the adivasis from the entire forest belt and hand over the mineral-rich territory to their masters in exchange for fat commissions.

While they had never bothered to provided even drinking water to the adivasis during the past 62 years they are spending thousands of crores for setting up airbases and for developing infrastructure. The Government wants to drive out the adivasis permanently from their native villages and handover the entire forest to the corporate bosses and imperialist vulture,’’ the CPI (Maoist) said in the release.

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