Wednesday, October 21, 2009

'UCPN-M will declare stir very soon'

Wednesday, 21 October 2009 18:22

Maoist vice-chairman Mohan Baidya Wednesday said his party was going to announce fresh stir very soon since the talks among the parties to resolve the current deadlock were going nowhere.

Maoist vice-chairman Mohan Baidya speaking at an interaction organised by Janasanchar Abhiyan in the capital Wednesday

Speaking at a programme organised by Janasanchar Abhiyan in Kathmandu, Baidya said the possibility of political consensus through talks was getting weaker and that his party would wage a protest movement, but would not give up dialogue right now.

He said the upcoming meeting of the Maoist standing committee would come up with the protest programmes.

The Maoist leader also blamed Nepali Congress and UML for the failed negotiations as the two ruling allies were not even ready to touch the main issue - the 'unconstitutional step' of the President.

Baidya, who is considered a hardliner in the Maoist party, also claimed that the current government was working against constitution-drafting and the peace process.

Baiya, who accompanied party chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal during the 8-day long China visit recently, also said the visit was successful and that the Chinese leaders emphasised that peace process and the task of constitution-drafting could not be completed by bypassing the Unified CPN-M.

During the discussions with the Chinese leaders, the Maoist leadership also assured that no anti-China activities would be allowed in Nepali soil, Baidya informed.

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