Saturday, October 31, 2009

Report of Meeting between Nepalese and Indian Maoists

A sensational report published in one of the leading national daily
newspapers of Nepal, dated October 31, 2009 that could send spine
chilling waves of the mandarins across the border in the South, claim
that only freshly the Unified Maoists Party of Nepal had held formal
talks with the outlawed Maoists party of India.

The report has come close on the heels of the Indian Home Minister, P.
Chidambaram, claimed that the Indian Maoists were receiving weapons
from Nepal.

In one of its fresh offensive against the Indian government, the outlawed
communist party of India had held up the Delhi-Bhubaneswar Rajdhani
Express for about seven and a half hours only recently. The event must
have turned into a sheer embarrassment for the Indian establishment.

The meeting between the leaders of Unified Maoists Party of Nepal and the
representatives of Indian Communist Party-Maoists took place in an
undisclosed location in India, between October 8-11, 2009.

Indra Mohan Sigdel alias Basanta, the Unified Maoist Party politburo member
led the Nepali team that held discussions with the Indian Maoists party led by Kishanji, reports reveal.

Reports further add that upon his return to Kathmandu, Mr. Sigdel, at a meeting with the party leaders briefed that he had come to the conclusion that the two parties should hold further discussions to build confidence between the two parties.

Sigdel also told the Maoists leadership in Nepal that the Indian Maoists had
serious reservations over the present line of thinking adopted by the Nepal Maoist Party.

The Unified Maoist Party Chairman, Pushpa Kamal Dahal in an interview with
NDTV, India, had recently claimed that the ex-rebel party of Nepal was not ready to mediate between the outlawed Maoists Party of India and the Indian Government.

However, he had advised the India Maoists that there was no alternative to peace. Prachanda spoke with the Indian Television Channel in Hindi Language

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