Tuesday, October 13, 2009

ILPS Solidarity Message to Comrades Alessandro and Samuele who are being persecuted by the Berlusconi Government

On October 9, Comrades Alessandro and Samuele are standing trial for organizing an anti-racist patrol in Massa to defend migrants against attacks by fascist gangs that have been unleashed by the reactionary ruling classes in Italy .

The International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) is united with all progressive and freedom-loving people of Italy and from other countries of the world in expressing its militant solidarity with the two comrades who are being persecuted for exercising their democratic right.

The ILPS condemns the Berlusconi government for its policy of persecuting progressive and democratic organizations like the CARC and ASP who fight side by side with the struggling workers and migrants who refuse to be treated like slaves.

The ILPS congratulates the CARC and ASP and the people of Massa for forcing the Prefect in July 2009 to ban the racist and anti-migrant patrols being conducted by fascist gangs in the whole province of Massa . This is a significant victory and shows what militant action by the people can achieve.

The resort to fascist methods by the reactionary ruling classes is not a sign of strength but a sign of weakness. It shows their desperation in trying to save a system that is deep in crisis. The profound crisis afflicting the capitalist system has been sharply exposed by the recent global crisis that has seen the economies of the most powerful capitalist countries tumbling down.

To shield the capitalist criminals who are the real causes of the crisis, the reactionaries use the migrants among others as scapegoats. They instigate racism against migrants among the Italian workers to divide the ranks of the working people so that they can impose their dominance over the whole working class. The reactionaries are deathly afraid of the unity of the people. That is why they resort to such divide-and-rule tactics.

The ongoing crisis of the world capitalist system is a great opportunity for revolutionaries and progressives to arouse, organize and mobilize the workers and other toiling masses to fight for immediate demands and accumulate strength for the long-term struggle of fighting for a new and better society free from capitalist oppression and exploitation.

Long live the unity of the working-class!

Long live international solidarity!

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