Friday, September 11, 2009

Violence can escalate if army integration issue not taken seriously: Bhattarai

Violence can escalate if army integration issue not taken seriously: Bhattarai
Friday, 11 September 2009 14:23

Unified CPN (Maoist) vice-chairman Baburam Bhattarai has said that his party is ready to show maximum amount of flexibility to find a possible way out from the current political impasse that ails the country.

He said that the ongoing peace process cannot reach a logical conclusion without consensus and cooperation among the political parties, but added that violence can escalate in the country if the integration and rehabilitation of ex-Maoist combatants is not done properly.

Bhattarai, who was speaking at a program organised by Maoist affiliated National Intellectual Organisation in Mahendranagar Thursday evening, also accused the UML led government of not taking the army integration issue - which he said is crucial to the peace process - seriously.

He further accused Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal of not showing any interest toward resuming the House - which remains out of business from the past one month due to Maoist obstruction - by addressing the contentious issue of 'civilian supremacy' vis-à- vis President's move on Army chief case.

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