Saturday, September 12, 2009

Prachanda warns of 'new communist revolution' in Nepal

Kathmandu: Nepal Maoists' supreme Prachanda on Saturday warned of "a storm of revolt" leading to a "new communist revolution" if the status quoists tried to block the country's political transformation.

Stepping up pressure on the 22-party coalition, Prachanda said the time was ripe for "new communist revolution". He warned that the protests being carried out by the Maoists could turn into a decisive communist revolution if the "old parties" tried to hold back the country's political transformation.

"CPN-Unified Maoist will create a storm of revolt," he was quoted as saying by the Nepalnews online today. He told his supporters in the capital that the party was forced to launch the protest movement as the "old parties" were status quoists.

Addressing a huge rally in the heart of the capital yesterday, he said the ongoing agitation was just a prelude to "a people's revolt".

The Maoists have stepped up pressure on the government by blocking the Parliament and organising protest rallies since Prachanda resigned on May 4 after dispute with President Ram Baran Yadav over the reinstated of former army chief General Rukmangad Katawal.

Prachanda had blamed the Gen Katawal for trying to resist the integration of former rebels into the military as stipulated under the 2006 peace agreement

The political standoff has put new stresses on Nepal's reconciliation efforts after the end of the decade-long insurgency in 2006, amid fears that the stalled peace process may be derailed if the Maoists agitation is not ended soon.

Bureau Report

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