Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Prachanda in Hong Kong

Kathmandu, Sep 14 (PTI) Amid efforts by Nepal's former rebels to topple the 22-party coalition government through "a storm of revolt", Maoists supremo Prachanda left for Honk Kong to "train Maoist cadres" abroad.

Prachanda left for Honk Kong on a three-day visit to train Maoist cadres settled in Hong Kong, UCPN-Maoist deputy leader in Parliament Narayan Kaji Shrestha 'Prakash' told PTI.

Stepping up pressure on the Madhav Kumar Nepal led government, Prachanda last week warned of "a storm of revolt" leading to a "new communist revolution" if the status quoists tried to block the country's political transformation.

The Maoists have blocked the Parliament and organised protest rallies since Prachanda resigned on May 4 after dispute with President Ram Baran Yadav over the reinstated of former army chief General Rukmangad Katawal.

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