Saturday, September 26, 2009

Prachanda (Dahal) hopeful of ending deadlock shortly

Unified CPN (Maoist) chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal expressed his optimism that prevailing political deadlock might end in the near future, following his telephonic conversation with Nepali Congress president Girija Prasad Koirala and CPN (UML) general secretary Ishor Pokhrel.

Talking to media persons in Butwal Friday morning, on his way to Kathmandu from his Rolpa tour, Dahal however put condition that parties must be ready for constitution amendment to culminate the crisis. He also mentioned that a statement from the president on the issue would carve another alternative to the crisis.

Dahal claimed many leaders and cadres of the CPN (UML) are of the opinion that step taken by the president to reinstate army chief sacked by the then Maoist-led government is unconstitutional.

Dahal further said his party is ready to discuss all alternatives from other parties to end the deadlock, and warned of untoward accidents if the continued deadlock affected the peace process and writing constitution.

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