Monday, August 3, 2009

Maoists issue code of ethics; leaders not allowed to own property

The Unified CPN (Maoist) has barred its central leaders from owning private property and engaging in any income generating activities.

The 15-point code of ethics issued by the party’s central committee Saturday has instructed its central leaders to adopt an economical life style and transfer any properties in their name to the party.

It has also decided to take back all but seven four-wheelers being used by various Maoist leaders.

There are about a hundred vehicles belonging to the Maoists temporarily registered in the name of various individuals. The party has decided to allow leaders to use two-wheelers, but allow four wheelers only after taking permission from the central committee.

The code of ethics also bars central leaders from sending their children abroad for education. It has instructed party leaders to devote their full time for party activities and put in physical labour where necessary.

According to the code of ethics, party leaders will not be allowed to accept any donations at individual level and need to submit details of their income and expenditure every quarter.

The party issued the code of conduct in an attempt to make the lifestyle of leaders at par the life style of the people of proletariat class following wide criticisms from within and outside the party for luxurious lifestyle of the leaders.

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