Sunday, July 19, 2009

Declaration on Nepal from Proletari Communisti


The position of Proletari Comunisti PCm Italy regarding the
situation in Nepal is based on the slogan we launched a few months ago:

With the revolution in Nepal and the nepalese maoists engaged in the
clash between revolution and counter-revolution, in the complex and
difficult phase of struggle for the New Democratic Republic, marching
toward the socialism.

In this context we do not support the position of chairman Prachanda but
that of the comrades and leaders in the Unified Communist Party of Nepal maoist that supports another line in the current situation, Kiran and Gaurav.
We think that this line will become soon majority in the Party and more
over in the nepal revolution and among the masses in Nepal.

We want a national and international campaign with specific committees that invites comrade Gaurav to Italy and Europe

Proletari Comunisti PCm Italy

Maoist Communist Party of Italy

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