Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The comrades of CARC Party and ASP have been released!

Party of the Committees to Support Resistance – for Communism (CARC) - Italy

Via Tanaro, 7 - 20128 Milano - Tel/Fax 02.26306454

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National Direction - International Relations Department

Tel. +39 0226306454 - e-mail:


The comrades of CARC Party and ASP have been released!

Mobilization and solidarity obliged the authorities to withdraw and release them!

The comrades Alessandro and Samuele, who were under arrest after the clashes with the fascists of the anti immigrant patrols and the police who supported them, have been released, thanks to the wide mobilization in the country, the blocks of the railways in Naples and in Massa (Tuscany), the sit ins and marches, the wide solidarity on national and international level. All the main Italian bourgeois media (newspapers, televisions) dealt with the matter, so that the bourgeois politicians have been obliged to take a stand against these patrols instituted by the government of Berlusconi’s gang, patrols mainly organized against immigrants, and composed of fascists and racists. The major of Massa took a stand as well, and told that the fascist patrol of Massa would be banned, and so it happened today. Today the Prefect ordered the ban of the fascist patrols all over the province of Massa . This is an unprecedented act against the patrols, that will have influence on national level and on the political debate within the bourgeois political forces.

The whole action, promoted by the CARC Party and the Association for Proletarian Solidarity at the end of the National Feasts the two organizations did at Massa, has been a victory of the movement against the fascist and racist government of the Berlusconi’ s gang, and an example for everybody who wants to oppose the reactionary mobilization of the popular masses that this government is trying to carry out.

We thank all the parties and organizations who send us message of solidarity, and ask others for doing the same, as the comrades released have been put under restrictions until October, when they will go on trial.

Above we translate the last statement the National Direction of the CARC Party did about the matter.

With revolutionary greetings,

CARC Party – International Relations Department

CARC Party – National Direction



To oppose the reactionary mobilization is possible and depends on everyone of us!

To cut out fascists, racists and instigators of hatred and war among the masses is possible building new and more advanced social relations, building socialism!

We must organize ourselves, mobilize the anti fascists, the immigrants, the true democratic people to create popular antifascist and antiracist patrols against the multiplication of fascist and racist gangs instigated by the reactionaries who are ruling our country (the fascists and racists of the Berlusconi’s government, the police and para–police legal and illegal apparatuses). This is the main teaching and outcome we get from the experience and the struggle the CARC Party and the ASP carried out against fascist and racist patrols at Massa in this days.

Workers, young people and immigrants can reverse the course of events, can oblige the reactionaries to take back the repressive and racist measures of Maroni , the Minister of the Interior, and of his gang.

The really democratic majors and the other administrators must take an open stand, as the major of Massa did, against the patrols, and to stop the application of the fascist measure of the so called “security set”.

We can and must oppose and backfire against Berlusconi’s gang the war among workers and poor people they are carrying out, trying to deviate popular masses’ organization and mobilization against the ones who are real responsible for the economic and social decay compelling million of people to a hard life of crushing and misery.

The economical, social and environmental decay in the quarters and the territory, that is criminality, usury, ignorance, violence against women, deaths at work, are the outcomes of the management of present society by a gang of parasite, speculator and pimp capitalists.

The fascist and racist organizations are the structures by which the rich, the bourgeois people and the cardinals always have recruited and tag along the most backward, deviants and brutish elements of the masses for instigating division and hatred among the masses, for rousing them against other people of the masses or for carrying out war of aggression against other peoples. That is why fascists and racists have been rightly called “slaves of the masters”.

To struggle against fascism and racism is right, possible and necessary. It is a concrete measure for facing the moral and intellectual decay of this society. It is a concrete measure for opposing mistrust, resignation and demoralization that the bourgeois left throw around within our ranks. Every communist, every real democratic person is no longer so if he does not carry out a firm struggle against fascists and the other reactionaries, if he does not concretely mobilize himself together with the other workers, young people and immigrants for struggling against the measures the government of the Berlusconi’s gang takes against Italian and immigrant popular masse, for carrying out the widest denounce of provocations, threats and violence every day committed against the popular masses, for gathering and organizing the widest solidarity with people hit by many kinds of repression.

The politicians who are called “opponents” of Berlusconi’s gang (first of all those belonging to the Party of the Communist Refoundation and the Party of the Italian Communist) can really demonstrate that they are against this gang of reactionaries promoting and joining the antifascist mobilizations and carrying out concrete solidarity with the comrades hit by repression. The time of chattering and of apparent antifascism is gone.

We must and can cut out fascist and racist gangsters, and the arrogance and oppression by masters, speculators, criminal organizations and clergy. We must and can organize ourselves for wringing the power out of this criminals’ gang and promote new social relations ensuring workers, young people and pensioners dignified conditions of life, able to promote the moral and intellectual development of everybody. Workers and people’ organizations can and must form their own government, a People’s Block Government. It will be a government composed and promoted by all the ones who really want to face the final phase of the second general crisis of capitalism and the reactionary mobilization instigated by the reactionary rightists. This government will implement concrete measures for not making the workers pay for the crisis, for not sacking any worker and for not closing any firm. This government will open the way for establishing new and more advanced social relations, for establishing socialism.

The proletarian and antifascist patrols as the one the comrades of Massa promoted are a best means of organizations of the popular masses, are a best means for really opposing the reactionary mobilization and creating the condition for establishing the government of People’s Block.

Mobilization and solidarity obliged the authorities to withdraw!

Thanks to all the ones who mobilized themselves and carried out concrete solidarity!

Let’s send home Berlusconi’s gang and its crowd of fascists, mafia men and prelates!

10, 100, 1000 popular patrols against fascists and racists!

We shall not pay for the crisis of the masters: let’s organize, let’s build a government of People’s Block!

Let’s make Italy a new socialist country!

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