Wednesday, June 10, 2009

PM Nepal extends olive branch to Maoists as latter reciprocates with pre-condition

Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal has reiterated his government's commitment to fulfil its responsibilities including drafting the new constitution of the country in time and taking the peace process to its logical conclusion. He also said that for this it needs to take the Maoists into confidence.

In a meeting with representatives from Press Chautari Nepal at his office, Singha Durbar, Wednesday, PM Nepal said that the task of army integration and taking the peace process to its logical conclusion remains the main challenges facing the government at the moment.

He inferred that the process of drafting the new constitution will gain pace after the issue of army integration is amicably resolved.

"The government is holding serious discussions on how to properly conclude the army integration and management process," he informed, adding that the government will take a final decision on the matter after reaching an agreement on it with the Maoists.

Meanwhile, Unified CPN (Maoist) today said it would withdraw all protest programmes including disruption in the House if the UML agrees to address the issues raised by the party.

The central secretariat meeting of the party held this morning decided to end all protest programmes if UML comes up with the draft proposal addressing Maoist concerns which, among others, includes rectifying the 'unconstitutional move' of President Yadav and upholding civilian supremacy.

The meeting, however, decided to continue disrupting the House session and launch other protest programmes until all the issues raised by the party are addressed.

During a three hour long discussion between the UML and Maoist top brass at Godavari Village Resort Tuesday, the Maoists had agreed to allow normal proceedings of the House if PM Nepal addresses the concerns raised by the Maoists before the legislature parliament.

The leaders of the two parties had also agreed to give an outlet to the ongoing political impasse' by adopting a 'middle path' acceptable to all major political forces.

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