Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Maoists led National Govt in Nepal: Prachanda demands

Source TGW

Pushpa Kamal Dahal, the Maoists’ party chairman in his 19 page long political proposal presented at the Party Politburo (PB) meeting has stressed the need for formation of a National Government led by the Maoists’ party itself.

The Maoists’ politburo meeting began Tuesday June 16, 2009, at the central office of the All Nepal Trade Union, Koteshwor, Kathmandu.

The Maoists leadership discussed two possible alternatives: Formation of the Maoists’ Led National Government or Declare a Revolt sooner than later.

Majority of the participants concluded that the Maoists as the largest party in the Constituent Assembly should take special initiatives to solve the current political crisis.

“However, majority of the leaders maintained that restoring peoples’ supremacy should be the pre-condition for the formation of the National Government”, reports add.

Dahal in the proposal categorically outlines that with the fall of the Maoist’s led government, the formation of the UML led government has been carried out as per the dictates and instructions of the foreigners.

“The incumbent UML government is serving the dictates of the imperialists (implied the US) and the expansionists (implied India)”, the proposal reads.

“There is no alternative than the formation of a Maoist led National Government that can draft the constitution on time and bring positive conclusion to the peace process”, the proposal reads.

The 19 page proposal also discusses the international political situation, local situation, analyses the Maoist’s past activities and the future strategies to be adopted by the party.

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