Saturday, June 20, 2009

Maoists finalise party's draft for new constitution

The ongoing politburo meeting of the main opposition Unified CPN (Maoist) passed the draft of the new constitution proposed by the party Friday.

The draft also proposes executive president while the prime minister will have some powers to maintain check and balance in the executive. According to the draft, the Prime minister will be elected from the parliament while president will be elected directly. The draft also proposes 'powerful parliament' which has been named as 'People's House of Representatives'.

The Nepali Congress, UML and other parties have been advocating for ceremonial president and executive prime minister elected by the parliament, much like existing one.

In the draft the Maoist party has proposed mixed election system in order to ensure representation of different sections of the society.

The draft was prepared by a committee headed by senior leader Dr Baburam Bhattarai

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