Thursday, May 7, 2009

Unified CPN (Maoist) politburo says that the party should organise more protest programmes to exert pressure on President Dr Ram Baran Yadav

Dina Nath Sharma

The politburo meeting of Unified CPN (Maoist) ended Thursday stressing that the party should organise more protest programmes to exert pressure on President Dr Ram Baran Yadav to correct his unconstitutional move to reinstate the Army chief.

Most of the politburo members who spoke during the meeting held at the Agriculture Development Bank's building at Bhaktapur were unanimous that the party should intensify protests from the parliament and struggle from the streets until civilian supremacy is upheld by sacking the Army chief.

Maoist spokesperson Dina Nath Sharma said the meeting discussed the protest strategy the party should adopt against the President's move including formation of new government.

Apart from that, the meeting also delved in important issues like army integration, constitution writing and proper conclusion of the peace process, it is learnt.

The Maoist parliamentary party has already decided to protests in the parliament and struggle in the streets against the President's move, and as per it have obstructed the legislature-parliament sessions for the continued two days.

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