Monday, May 4, 2009

There were interferences, says Prachanda Report by Prerana Marasini

KATHMANDU: In an address to the nation when he announced his resignation, Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal said there were seen and unseen interferences from the international community on the current political crisis. He wanted all patriotic Nepalis to realise this.

Mr. Dahal said: “We are committed to having good diplomatic relations with all our neighbours and foreign friends… But intervention on our internal issues is not at all accepted. There can be no compromise with anyone against Nepal’s sovereignty, independence and geographical integrity.

He added: “We will never be ready to step on the blood of tens of thousands of people, who sacrificed their lives, and lower our head in front of foreign ‘gods.’”

“The era of looking at foreigners for the greed of chair has ended,” he said. “We also request all nationalists to be ready to make any kind of sacrifice for nation’s dignity and independence.”

He ended by expressing his commitment to the ongoing peace process, democracy, and nationalism.

Before announcing his resignation, Mr. Dahal said reports of Maoists capturing power created a base for the President’s action. “Those with vested interest tried to create a divide between the parties.”

The CPN-UML’s withdrawal of support to the Maoist-led government was a wrong decision on a sensitive issue, he added. Mr. Dahal admitted his government’s inability to fulfil the people’s expectations.

The government, he said, did not receive support from parties inside and outside it. “Even to decide on smaller issues, it took us very long.”

He alleged that national and international reactionary elements were conspiring against Nepal’s infant democracy.

He reiterated that the Army had to stay under civilian supremacy.

Recalling the two coups in the country, he said: “The government gave the Chief of the Army Staff, who defied the government orders, a right time to clarify to constitutionally retire him.”

Report in Hindu May 5th 2009

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