Monday, May 18, 2009

Solidarity Message from the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) to UCPN Maoist

*Solidarity Message from the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist)to the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)*


We wish to convey our warmest revolutionary greetings and express our
strongest solidarity to you and the Nepalese people in this crucial juncture
for the development in your country.

The imperialists and expansionists never stopped for a single minute to
hinder the revolutionary process and intervene in Nepal using their agents
and the subordinate forces in their reactionary plots.

However the Nepalese people with their mass and active participation in the
demonstrations, protests and every day clashes with the police forces,
against the political coup of President Yadav, who acted under the
directions of both Indian and US imperialists, are showing to the rest of
the world that the future of Nepal is yet to be written by its people’s

People’s War was initiated by the CPN (Maoist) in the darkest period for the
Communist Movement and in the most adverse context internationally and
internally. The resolute factor for the success of People’s War was the
support and the active participation of the Nepalese People.

During the last three years the development was both complex and
unprecended. The current situation is not a surprise. This deadlock seemed
unavoidable and probably delayed. The Revolution Process is a very complex
situation where class struggle is extremely intensified, changes forms and
the line struggle is an every day issue.

It is the duty of all progressive people, democrats and communists to
support the Nepalese people in their struggle to pave the way for their
future against imperialists and reactionaries and their puppets.

Long Live International Solidarity!


Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist)

International Bureau

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