Sunday, May 3, 2009

Report from Kathmandu by Ben Petersen

Events Unfolding As We Speak: 3rd May 3:00PM

This morning the Maoists in government made the decision to remove Gen. Katawal from his position of Chief of Army Staff after his repeated political based insubordination. This was done after 10 days of trying to reach consensus with the other political parties, up until a final cross party meeting this morning. This consensus was not possible to come too, and due to this the Maoists have made this decision on their own.

As a result of this, reactionary and anti-democractic forces are trying to unseat the overwhelmingly elected government. The major coalitio parteners in government, the Madheshi Peoples Right Forum and the Communist Party of Nepal (United Marxist Leninst) have reportedly left government, and supporters of the major opposition party the Nepali Congress has small groups of supporters in the streets, disrupting traffic and burning tires. Also and alarmingly, the Chief of Army Staff has not accepted his removal, and is attempting to meet with other members of the millitary.

It is becoming clear that the political opposition, including parties previously within the government, are trying to find ways to destroy the Maoist government and to remove them from any form of power. This situaion is chaning by the minute, but it is clear that very important and decisive struggles are playing out as we speak.

At the same time, there are rallies in various places by the supports of the government to support the government and the Maoist party in its decision. The support for this decision and the government as a whole is widespread and while life is generally un affected away from the major roads, a increasingly tense situation is comming about in Kathmandu. In likelyhood across the country as well.

Supporters of Nepal and its revolution SHOULD BE ALERT AND AWARE TO THE SITUATION AS IT DEVELOPS. MORE DETAILS FROM KATHMANDU WILL BE PROVIDED WHEN AVAILABLE. The role of international forces is yet to be seen, and i am yet to see or hear any response from India or the USA. However, both of these powers have made serious threats (unofficially) to the Maoist government. INTERNATIONAL SUPPORTS AND SUPPORTING GROUPS SHOULD BE READY FOR SOLIDARITY ACTIONS<>

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