Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Police Arrest Civil Society Activists in Nepal

Report in Nepali

Police have arrested dozens of civil society activists Tuesday morning from a sit-in programme in front of the presidential palace, Shital Niwas

Terming the president’s move to reject the decision of the PM, the executive-power holder of the government, as unconstitutional, the civil society activists had called for demonstrations.

Krishna Pahadi, Arjun Parajuli, Dr Devendra Raj Pandey, Dr Renu Raj Bhandari, Khaendra Sangraula, Hem Bahadur Bista and Shyam Shrestha are among 50 demonstrators arrested by the people.

Talking to Nepal FM, Dr Pandey said police misbehaved with them though the sit-in was peaceful. He said authorities have no right to declare any area as prohibited zones.

On Monday, Kathmandu district administration had announced areas at the proximity of presidential palace and army headquarters as prohibited zones for any rallies and demonstrations.

Dr Pandey further said they would continue to fight for rule of law, asking the president to stick by his constitutional powers

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