Friday, May 8, 2009

New Government unlikely to be formed in given time

M K Nepal - a PM choice of feudalists and militarists an insult to democracy

The formation of new government within the timeframe given time by President Dr Ram Baran Yadav looks obvious to be delayed as parties are divided over consensus government.

The Unified CPN (Maoist) during its politburo meeting Thursday concluded to remain out of forming new government until president withdraws his move to reinstate army chief.

Party chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal also told Nepali Congress Girija Prasad Koirala yesterday that his party will not participate in any government without its demand being met.

On the other hand, UML leadership is divided over who should lead the new government. Party chairman Jhala Nath Khanal who was positive of his leadership in the new government pulled back after Nepali Congress proposed Madhav Kumar Nepal as the prime minister candidate.

MK Nepal lost Constituent Assembly elections from both constituencies he contested and was later appointed under proportional representation seat, through political consensus.

He is now the chairman of the Constitutional Committee.

The leading faction of the UML has started lobbying again for the Maoists forming the new government amid Nepali Congress announcement not to join Maoist-led government at any cost. Dahal on Wednesday also had claimed that new government could be under his party’s leadership.

Constitutionally, the alternative to consensus government is given by majority government. However, the continued obstruction of Constituent Assembly sittings by the Maoists will hamper the election of the new prime minister. As per the constitution, prime minister needs to be elected from the constituent assembly.

CA chairman Subash Nemwang has cautioned President Dr Yadav of this provision after getting hints that some lawyers advised president to bypass the procedure if obstruction in House continued.

Democracy and Class Struggle says the idea that Madhav Kumar Nepal could be the new Prime Minister is an insult to democracy. He personally was rejected by voters in the two constituencies in which he stood and now is the choice of the democracy hateing Feudal miltary elites in Kathmandu for Prime Minister.

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