Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Government to be formed by CPN -UML and other parties - UCPN Maoist and MPRF not included

Maoists on the streets 5/5/2009 with the People - Kathmandu elites to form Government

KATHMANDU, May 5 (Xinhua) -- 22 political parties of Nepali Constitutional Assembly (CA) concluded here their meeting Tuesday afternoon with an agreement on forming of next government comprising the all 24 parties represented in CA.

The meeting that was held at Singha Durbar, in capital Kathmandu said that the next government will be led by Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist) (CPN-UML).

Earlier on Monday, CPN-UML and the Nepali Congress (NC) had called on 24 parties meeting after Nepali Prime Minister Prachanda declared resignation from his post.

However, only 22 parties joined the meeting except Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (CPN-M) and Madheshi People's Rights Forum.

Democracy and Class Struggle says no surprises here, The UML has often in the past been rewarded for its treachery by the Kathmandu elites - the people have not yet spoken but they will be given voice by the UCPN Maoist the party that had the guts to stand up to the military and not go down on bended knee to foreign powers.

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