Thursday, May 14, 2009

Monkey Smashes Heaven showed some promise but you have now clearly joined the RCPUSA in the ranks of opponents of the Nepalese Maoist Struggle

Monkey Smashes Heaven showed some promise but you have now clearly joined the RCPUSA in the ranks of those that oppose the struggle of the Nepalese Maoists and for all your talk about Third World Maoism – you are joining the RCPUSA in Imperialist grandstanding about the Nepalese Maoists struggle.

On one ocassion you demonstrated humility because you did not know the facts on the ground – should we support Matrika Yadav you once asked yourself – the question exposed your ignorance of the actual struggle in the Madhes as well as in Nepal.

I am sure there were some serious Maoists amongst you – a little more concrete study of concrete conditions in Nepal might enlighten you and them.

Maybe watching the recent Nepal Army Commissioned tape of Comrade Prachanda making clear the the object of struggle was State power and not token government like you stupidly suggest in your Lenin quotation with an imperialist arrogant ignorance that shows your class roots as radical bourgeois students.

I have not found it less sad with the passing of time how so called Maoist anti Imperialists sing from the bourgeoise’s hymn sheet – well the new choir of the RCPUSA and Monkey Smashes Heaven orchestrated by the bourgeoise will meet with a appropriate response by the genuine anti Imperialist forces of the world and Money Smashes Heaven will join that sad litany of organisations that it will be an embarrassment to remember.

However just like the monkey who followed the Buddha and made his powers useful so you have a chance to study and follow Prachanda path and stop your current wrecking course – the choice is yours ?

Smash Imperialism support the Nepalese Maoists

Democracy and Class Struggle will continue the battle against left dogmatism about the Nepalese Revolution in the International Communist Movement while at the same time supporting the Nepali comrades to battle right opportunism in their party.

The Struggle continues Street Demonstrations in Kathmandu


  1. MSH response:’s-gamble/

  2. Yes Right Opportunism came to dominate and Prachanda betrayed the revolutionary movement by going for token power than real power but that was not clear in 2009
