Sunday, May 17, 2009

Marxism Leninism Maoism a Dynamic Science for the 21st century

Picture thanks to CARC

Gore Vidal on the Real News says John Kennedy said to him in this age it is the perception of things that counts and not what actually happens.

Democracy and Class Struggle calls on those interested in the Nepalese Revolution to go beyond perceptions to gain conceptual knowledge of the Nepalese struggle and develop the science of Marxism Leninism Maoism in the 21st Century.

For a basic course on Marxism Leninism Maoism - there is a course prepared by Indian Comrades here :


  1. in what way is MLM a science, let alone a dynamic one?

  2. Marxism Leninism Maoism has a philosophy dialectical materialism and a science historical materialsm.

    Historical materialism is a component part of Marxist Leninist Maoist Philosophy

    Lenin noted that the very idea of materialism in sociology was a stroke of genius ( Lenin Vol 1 page 139)

    The main features of historical materialism were first expounded in the German Ideology and a classic formulation of historical materialism was given in Critique of Political Economy by Marx.

    But Historical materialism only became a synonym for social science with the publication of Capital.

    Political concepts like class, party, state are not static concepts and all have their birth, life and death.

    To illustrate this point the concept of Party has been further devloped by Barburam Bhattarai in the 21st century in his paper "The Question of Building a New Type of Party"

    Concerning the MLM idea of the State Barburam Bhattarai has developed some controversial ideas in the "The Question of Building a new type of State".

    Some communists mistakenly believe that Marxism Leninism Maoism is like the Talmud to be learned parrot fashion while in reality it is a series of concepts that have to be developed and deployed.

    Therefore my short answer is that MLM is a science that is dynamic and my current evidence is the theoretical work of the Nepalese Maoists amongst others.

    Famously Samir Amin has said we start from Marx we do not end there.

  3. By Science I mean a form of social conciousness which represents an historically devloped system of knowledge whose truth is verified and constantly made more precise in the course of society's practical experience

  4. Barburam Bhattarai's idea expressed in the Question of building a new type of State were wrong and not just controversial - I refer to his idea of a sub stage of the New Democratic Revolution which was the source of much confusion and revisionism in the Maoist Party in Nepal
