Friday, May 1, 2009

Bhattarai reiterates resolve to relieve army chief

Senior Maoist leader and Finance Minister Baburam Bhattarai Friday said his party is firm in its resolve to take action against army chief Rookmangud Katawal even if it has to quit the government.

Maoist leader and Finance Minister Baburam Bhattarai addressing the May Day function organised by Maoist-affiliated All Nepal Trade Union Federation (ANTUF), Bhattarai said the government would take action against the army chief at any cost in order to safeguard civilian supremacy.

The tough-talking Maoist leader also took a swipe at President Dr Ram Baran Yadav for his role in the army chief row. “If the President tries to veto the government’s decision by misinterpreting the constitution he will face the fate of (former king) Gyanendra.” He also warned of “another revolution” if attempts were made to curtail the peaceful political transformation.

Bhattarai, who has been quite vocal in favour of action against army chief Rookmangud Katawal, claimed that his party has confidence in Nepal Army.

The Maoist leader also made it a point to hit at ruling ally CPN-UML and the main opposition Nepali Congress. The Congress, he said, has been trying to block the government’s decisions while the UML has not been forthcoming on the army chief issue because of the “identity crisis” it is facing

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